It is possible to track the information (visit time, time, pages viewed) of Yofatik and its applications users in order to better serve them.
The user is prohibited from interfering with or obstructing the use of Yofatik websites or applications by other users and visitors, and from installing programs that will force, damage, or lock servers or databases. They are incapable of cheating. He/she acknowledges that his/her membership will be terminated if he/she is discovered, and he/she accepts all potential legal and criminal liability arising from the situation.
Messages and conversation records with Yofatik management cannot be backed up, stored, or shared without the permission of Yofatik administrators. Yofatik reserves all privacy rights.
The user can cancel their membership and delete their account by submitting a support request. The authorization of a user who cancels his Yofatik membership will be revoked for all Yofatik websites and applications. The individual who cancels their membership acknowledges that this action is irreversible. Administrators of Yofatik websites and applications are permitted to delete any trace of a deactivated user account from Yofatik websites and applications. The user is not entitled to any compensation or recourse for the deleted records.
Yofatik websites and applications may contain links or references to external websites that are not managed by Yofatik. Yofatik websites and applications are not responsible for their content or links.
Yofatik websites and applications can be sent via letter, e-mail, e-mail address, e-mail address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines, and other contact information specified by the user in the registration form on the websites or applications, or updated by the user later. has the right to contact the user for communication, marketing, and notification purposes via email, SMS, phone, and other means. By accepting this agreement, the user accepts and declares that Yofatik websites and applications may engage in the aforementioned communication activities unless written notice to the contrary is provided.
In particular locations on Yofatik websites and applications, section-specific rules and obligations may be specified. It is assumed that individuals and organizations who utilize these sections have accepted these rules in advance.
Please review the "Usage Agreement" page to learn about the measures we take to protect the personal information and privacy of our users, as well as our general policy regarding this matter. The user agrees that he/she will be deemed to have accepted all terms of this participation agreement as soon as he/she begins to use the service and that the agreement will include a provision for him/her. The user agrees to indemnify Yofatik for any and all damages incurred by Yofatik websites and applications as a result of the user's breach of this agreement's obligations. Yofatik has recourse to the user for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines that the user may be required to pay to public institutions and/or third parties due to the breach of contract by Yofatik websites and applications.