Yofatikwebsites and applications, with their general appearance and design, and all information, pictures, Yofatik brand and other brands, Yofatik name, logo, icon, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable form on the website and applications, are the owner or licensee of all materials, including technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method and business model, and intellectual and industrial property rights.
It cannot be modified, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, licensed, republished, uploaded to another computer, posted, transmitted, presented, or distributed, including code and software, without express permission and attribution.
The entirety or a portion of Yofatik websites and applications may not be used on another website without express permission. In contrast, legal and criminal responsibility is required for actions. Growerse reserves any additional rights not expressly granted here.
All criticisms of Yofatik and its applications belong to Yofatik and its applications, and they may be used for marketing purposes by Yofatik representatives if they so choose.