Before registering and shopping on websites and applications operating under the names Yofatik, users should review the following information.
Users are deemed to have read and agreed to these terms if they have made a purchase or registered on a Yofatik or Yofatik -branded website or application. Please do not register for Yofatik and the sites and applications bearing the Yofatik name, and do not approve any agreements, if you do not accept and read these conditions.
Before using, it is recommended that you review the Term Conditions, which contains the site's general rules and legal obligations, as well as the terms, rules, and legal obligations listed below.
Yofatik suggests that users visit the user agreement page everytime they log in to the website.
Please do not accept this agreement and discontinue use of this website if you do not agree with the specified terms.
By using this website and filling out the membership form with your personal information, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms.
Yofatik reserves the right to change, reorganize, and cease broadcasting any services, products, terms of use, and information presented on the site without prior notice on this site and it's extensions.
In the following instances of written abuse, site administration reserves the right to prevent the user from accessing the site and to pursue legal action against the individual or individuals responsible.